Additional Information

Clinical Governance

Nedaa Jabbar is the superintendent pharmacist and is the CG and IG lead at Karepack Pharmacy Ltd. Nedaa is knowledgeable about both the pharmacy procedures and NHS services available, locally and nationally. At Karepack Pharmacy we would like to ensure;

  1. That you have involvement in our services, therefore we undertake an annual patient satisfaction survey. Our patient satisfaction survey will be made available from our website, via e-mail or via post using a third party courier should the patient’s wish. The feedback can be delivered back via email, post or telephone. Once the survey’s result has been established we will review them and consider changes which aim to improve services.
  2. Karepack Ltd will create one practise based audit annually, focusing on areas which the pharmacy team feel needs to be assessed. Karepack Ltd will also participate and adhere to one NHS England determined multidisciplinary audit annually which aims to improve the team working. Both these audits will run throughout the core opening hours and will be available to all our patients on a regular basis via email or post to gather feedback in the best way.
  3. Karepack Ltd has developed standard operating procedures to ensure that all stock is ordered and handled in a way that maintains its integrity and ensures patient well-being. All relevant staff will have to read, understand and sign off these standard operating procedures to confirm that they have read and understood the procedures.
  4. Karepack Ltd will maintain logs of patient safety incidents for all the stages of the medication process. Any patient safety incident will be reported to the NPSA using the NPSA defined levels of harm (i.e. near miss, no harm, low/moderate severe or death).

Dispensing Medicine

The supply of medicine ordered on private and NHS prescriptions will be delivered uninterrupted throughout the core opening hours of Karepack Ltd by receiving prescriptions at the registered premises via EPS, post, fax or email. When prescriptions have been received they will be prepared and delivered. In the instance that we receive a faxed prescription, the medication will be prepared, but not delivered until the original prescription is received. Once received; details of the prescription item, patient details and prescriber information will be entered and recorded onto our PMR system. Any prescription received from a new patient will be contacted either by phone or email to have a clinical assessment in order to record any clinically relevant information into their PMR record. All details recorded will be compliant with the Data protection act.

Electronic Prescription Service

This is a free and confidential service which allows your GP surgery to send a prescription to a pharmacy of your choice, meaning there is less need for you to travel to your GP surgery just to collect a prescription form. You do not need to be able to use a computer in order to use this service; this will all be done by your GP surgery and the pharmacy.
Do all GP surgeries offer the electronic prescription service?
In the future, it is expected that all GP surgeries will offer this service. To find out if your surgery is offering EPS, please ask a member of staff at your registered surgery or look for the Electronic Prescription Service sign. If your surgery is not currently able to send your prescriptions electronically please let a member of the Karepack team know and we can arrange collection of your prescription directly with surgery.

How do I choose my pharmacy?

In order to sign up for the electronic prescription service you must first choose the pharmacy you would like to use regularly, then please ask a member of staff at your registered surgery to add your nomination to their system. A nomination simply tells your GP surgery that you have chosen this particular pharmacy for all of your prescriptions to be sent to. Alternatively you can contact your chosen pharmacy and give you verbal or written consent for them to nominate you to their pharmacy from their side.
How do I change or cancel my nomination?
You can change your nominated pharmacy at any time by speaking to any pharmacy that offers this service, requesting they add your new nomination to their system. You can also cancel your nomination altogether if you no longer wish to receive electronic prescriptions and your GP surgery will start issuing paper prescriptions again if they are able to offer this service.

How do I re-order my next prescription?

If your registered GP surgery allows your Pharmacy to request your regular repeat prescriptions on your behalf, Karepack Pharmacy will request these for you and deliver your medication on a monthly basis. If you are on a regular medication, your GP may choose to put you on the Repeat Dispensing Service. This means that prescriptions will automatically be sent to the pharmacy without the need for you to order them yourself. Once Karepack Pharmacy receives your prescription they will prepare and deliver to the address on the prescription.

What are the benefits of using the electronic prescription service?
There is no need to travel to your GP surgery to collect a paper prescription, saving you time.
If there is a problem with your prescription, the GP can amend this electronically meaning you do not need to go back to the GP surgery to collect a new prescription.
You have the choice of where your prescriptions are sent – meaning you can nominate a pharmacy close to where you live or work, hopefully making it easier for you.

Public Health

Karepack Ltd aims to increase patient knowledge and understanding of a healthy lifestyle. Advice is available to you via phone and email, as well as our website. Also, if more literature is required; leaflets can be sent out to you.

Repeat Dispensing

If you are on a regular medication, your GP may choose to put you on the Repeat Dispensing Service. This means that prescriptions will automatically be sent to the pharmacy without the need for you to order them yourself. Once Karepack Pharmacy receives your prescription they will prepare and deliver to the address on the prescription. Karepack Ltd will manage and dispense repeatable NHS prescription uninterrupted throughout the core opening hours in partnership with the patients and the prescriber’s for an agreed period of time.

Sign Posting

In the event that Karepack Ltd cannot provide information, treatment or advice to you, we will signpost you to other health and social care providers or support organisations that may be able to assist you. Where necessary a written referral note will be provided. For further information please call or email us.

Support for self-care

Karepack Ltd will provide advice to patients and carers natioinwide who request help with treatment of minor illnesses, long-term conditions, and general information on how to manage illness. If further information is required, Karepack Ltd will signpost you to the relevant organisation.